The Union  
The latest Thunking to get you thinking
    ZAG 2.0. Generosity in a time of greed.
Resounding success? Or a bit of a mess?

In this month's THUNK Senior Marketing Manager at Scottish Government Nic Clark-Tonberg kindly shares her thoughts on this month's ZAG conference. There's also the usual helping of articles, recommendations, and insights from our thoughtful and considerate Unionites.

  Generosity in a time of greed  
  By Nic Clark-Tonberg, Senior Marketing Manager at Scottish Government

Are social media and unethical politics eroding our values? Have we lost our way a little after COVID-19? Or has our faith in humanity never been stronger? These are the questions that the intriguing invite to this year’s ZAG conference posed. Interest piqued; I signed up.
Leah recommends
  "Our voices are incredibly important, yet sometimes we need a bit of help using our voice to its full potential. This is where the 'Own the Room' podcast comes in - aimed at sharing the stories of inspirational women and revealing their secret tips and tricks to brilliant speaking. After a few episodes, you'll be wielding your words like a TED Talk pro – who knows, you might even be on the ZAG panel next year."

Leah Douglas, Account Manager, Union
  How to Own the Room on Spotify  
  Our thunking  
  Why it's time to get a new notebook
  Discover how keeping a notebook (the paper ones, not macs) can help you be more mindful of the generosity and positivity around you. 
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  Google Ads suspension threat
  Google is now sending emails to publishers, app owners and others threatening to suspend them if their sites and apps are not compliant for GDPR EU User Consent Policy. 
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  Pinterest predicts
  Get the latest consumer trends for 2024 in the annual Pinterest Predicts report. See what's to come in food, beauty, home, fashion, travel, and everything in between. 
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  Go.Compare undergoes rebrand
  The full rebrand aims to leverage the brand’s fame and persuade more people to actively choose Go.Compare over other comparison sites. 
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