Giving Auld Reekie a shake

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National Library of Scotland

The National Library of Scotland needed a campaign to promote Northern Lights, a major exhibition celebrating Edinburgh and the Scottish Enlightenment. Despite a mere initial £5k production budget, we created an engaging, high-end campaign that showcased the leading role Scotland took in the intellectual and scientific progress of the late 18th century to coax a new audience through the doors. A campaign that was shockingly successful.


54% increase in visitor numbers over previous exhibition

100,000 visitors – breaking all previous exhibition records

Poster for ad campaign, painting effect of a man with a shocked look on her face
Poster for ad campaign, painting effect of a woman with a shocked look on her face
street poster for ad campaign, poster of man with a shocked look on his face
Ad campaign wording
Ad campaign wording
Ad campaign wording
Street ad campaign, poster on building of woman with a shocked look on her face